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Monday, June 3, 2013

Hear Us, Lord, We Plead - by M. Robbins

Hear us, Lord, we plead,
Our souls do really need
Moments that we’ll treasure
Forever and forever -
Moments from You fully
Holy, holy, holy!

Hear us, Lord, we plead,
Our minds do really need
Moments of deep wonder
Of glories without number -
Moments from You fully
Holy, holy, holy!

Hear us, Lord, we plead,
Our hearts do really need
Moments of awe to kneel
With joyful tears and feel
Moments from You fully
Holy, holy, holy!

Send us, God of love,
From Your heart of love
Moments which are fully
Holy, holy, holy!
Send us moments which are fully
Holy, holy, holy!
                          M. Robbins


     The following prose on the is about a very special time
between a Christian and his God.  There are no specific
details because God’s special dealings are very personal
and I wanted the reader to perhaps reflect upon his own
dealings with God.
     But for the record, God’s special dealing with me
occurred after I had opened up a Bible dictionary. 
(The book had originally been in my father’s hallway
bookcase and then in 2006 the book had been packed
away and moved approximately 55 miles.  In its new home
the book had been moved around a bit and only had been
opened a few times.)  
     And then on June 3, 2013, it happened.  I opened
the Bible dictionary and found a sealed envelope from
my father dating back to 2/23/96 and then I experienced
one of those holy moments with God.  Now enough about me.
     Let’s go on to the prose which can be applied to any Christian! 

(first version)

Dear Christian.......

     It might be about to happen! 
     You know.....one of those special holy moments from God.....
a moment which will be treasured forever in your soul.
     And if it is about to happen.....
     It will be a moment in which the Almighty God will reveal
His great faithfulness in a gentle way. 
     It will be a moment when God will show He knows how
to work behind the scenes.
     It also will be a moment when God will show He knows
when to make plain something which had been unseen.
     Yes, it might be about to happen!
     And if it does, it will be a moment of treasured joy,
wonder and tears!
     So, go ahead and get ready, dear Christian.
     Get ready to sing forth God’s faithfulness.
     Get ready to be in awe of God’s provision.
     Get ready to worship the One who is the great I AM.
     And if God so chooses, this moment will become so holy,
we will have to leave you alone for a while.....
          as you commune with God.....
                                                                   by M. Robbins 

(second version)

     It is about to happen! 
     You know.....one of those special holy moments.....
a moment which will be treasured forever in soul of a
Christian is about to happen.     
     It will be a moment in which the Almighty God will reveal
His great faithfulness in a gentle way. 
     It will be a moment when God will show He knows how
to work behind the scenes and also will show He knows when
to make plain what had been unseen.
     Yes, it is about to happen!
     And it will be a moment of treasured joy, wonder and tears!
     So, go ahead and get ready, dear Christian.
     Get ready to sing forth God’s faithfulness.
     Get ready to be in awe of God’s provision.
     Get ready to worship the One who is the great I AM.
     Yet, so holy is this moment about to become, let us
leave you alone for a while.    
     There will come a time in public when you will shout aloud praises to God.
     But now?
     Let God reveal to you this special, holy moment and then........
     Go.....close your door and commune alone with God.
     Go.....close your door and hear His words of love.
                                                                             by M. Robbins