Only an outcast, Lord, am I - M. Robbins
Only an outcast, Lord, am I;
Only a sinner judged to die;
Only a mourner o’er my sins;
Yet, there’s a Voice I hear within;
Yet, there’s a Voice I hear within.
Only a Voice, but it is Christ’s;
Only a Voice, but His brings Light;
Only a Voice, but His can heal;
Now can my soul unto Him kneel?
Now can my soul unto Him kneel?
“Yes,” He speaks, “you may seek My face;”
“Yes,” He speaks, “now receive My grace;
Yes, you’re a sinner; that’s your name;
But, I’m the Saviour; that’s My name.
But, I’m the Saviour, that’s My name.”
Salvation is Christ’s gift to me;
Salvation now has set me free;
Salvation is the Saviour’s fame;
And He’s my Saviour, bless His name!
And He’s my Saviour, bless His name!
He’s the Saviour; He took my blame!
He’s the Saviour; yes, that’s His Name!
He saved my soul then changed my name!
He calls me “child!” Oh, praise His Name!
He calls me “child!” Oh, praise His Name!
M. Robbins
In order to help heal and save people,
it takes many years of study to become
a medical doctor and then additional years
of training to become a “specialist.”
But Christ didn’t have to “study” in order
to achieve His earthly objective -
becoming “the Saviour.” Rather, He “made
himself of no reputation, and took upon
him the form of a servant, and was made
in the likeness of men.”
What Christ went through we’ll never
know. However, we do know that
He left Heaven and all its glories to live in a
conquered land with little possessions
so that we might live in Heaven’s
glory as heirs of God and joint-heirs
with Christ.
We also know that as Christ
was dying on the cross, He was ridiculed
by the rulers, the chief priests, and the
soldiers. And their words were shameful.
While they, themselves were clothed
in unseen wickedness, the rulers
reminded Christ that He saved others.
While they, themselves, were robed
in their own righteousnesses which
were as filthy rags, the chief priests
mocked Him and said He should save
Himself and then they'd believe He was
the King of Israel. And while they,
themselves, were under orders of a mere
common ruler, the soldiers also mocked
Christ’s divinity and likewise urged Him
to save Himself.
But Christ could not save both Himself and us.
So, because He was the sacrificial lamb slain
as it were before the foundation of the world
(1 Peter 1:19-20), Christ chose to save us rather
than to save Himself. And it is because Christ
carried the sins and bore the penalty of death
for each individual, He alone forever will be
known as “the Saviour.”
But Christ can only save an individual who
who acknowledges bearing the identity of a
“sinner” and in dire need of the Saviour.
Paul, himself, personally stated in
1 Tim 1:15: “This is a faithful saying, and
worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus
came into the world to save sinners; of
whom I am chief.”
Enough now with the pronouns: “we,”
“they,” and “us.” Christ saves “sinners” as
individuals. So, I, myself, must be saved
before I call Him mine!
And so to Christ alone I’ve come.....
in all my sinfulness.....bearing the name of
“sinner”.....yet, believing He died for me.
And because He is the Saviour, by His
mercy I’ve been saved!
M. Robbins
Monday, August 26, 2013
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