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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Who hasn’t heard or read a fantasy story about some handsome
prince who falls in love with a poor beautiful maiden.  Of course
they marry and the poor but beautiful maiden lives happily ever
after with the future king.

Though fairy tales are fantasy we, as common folks, long for the
things which belonging to royalty would bring!  And how our
hearts long for that happy ever after!

But dear Christian, forget about fantasy and look upon what is
your reality

As a Christian, you are loved with “with an everlasting love” and
you were loved so much that Christ was not willing that you
should take the penalty of your own sins and so He died in
your place on Calvary.

You, who were nothing, have forever the protection, care, and
attention of the One who is King of kings and who is omnipotent,
omniscient, and by whom “all things were made.”

Seemingly bad things will come your way which may affect your
health, finances, and relationships. And at times you may be very
frightened by the harshness and brutality of this world.

But, dear Christian, earth is not your home - it is a wilderness.
But it is in this wilderness that you will have an opportunity
to know and learn of Christ in a way than you’ll never
have in Heaven.

So, dear Christian, lean on His word for guidance and
strength.  Trust in Him for the provisions of life. Talk to
Him often during the day - giving to Him the cares of
your way. And look for Him.....yes, even longing for
Him......remembering always that Christ’s love towards
you is such He won’t be satisfied for you to be forever
here in this wilderness called “earth.”

And though there seems to be endless years of delay, there will
come a day in which you will be starting your “forever” with the
One whose love is best!

That, dear Christian, is your reality and never ending joy!
                                                    M. Robbins

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