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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I loved to work in solitude - M. Robbins

I loved to work in solitude
amidst my flowerbeds,
but Boots and Dolly, my two cats,
thought I was there for fun.

Had I found some weeds
near my iris bed?
Well, that was great to Dolly's mind -
"A neat new place to sleep!"

Had I dug a hole
for gladiola bulbs?
Then work must stop for Boot's white paws
had found a place to play.

I couldn't use the hoe,
Boots' tail was just too near; 
and if I had wanted to pull some moss,
Dolly would have stalked my hands.

That's the way I used to work
in lovely solitude;
but Boots and Dolly are no more -
and now I just work and cry!  
     M. Robbins

Friday, November 30, 2012

 Come, let us praise the Lord above - M. Robbins

Come, let us praise the Lord above
who is the great I AM;
His greatness is unsearchable;
make known to men His deeds.

His deeds were from the start of time -
we know that from His Word
and He will be when time has ceased
the everlasting God.

Yet, how will I begin the praise?
What deed will be the first?
How can I, a mortal man,
record omnipotence?

Yet, there’s a deed I’ve heard about
which I must know firsthand.
“Oh Christ, who suffered on the
please save my sinful soul!”

Come, let us praise the Lord above
who is the great I AM;
His deeds reflect His many names -
and “Savior” is the best!
     M. Robbins

Saturday, July 7, 2012

My spirit feels famished and dull - by M. Robbins

My spirit feels famished and dull;
so whisper once more, oh Spirit of God,
the message of grace I long to hear;
then forever repeat the comforting words:
“.....you are complete in him.”

Tell me I’m Christs because of His death,
tell me I’m Yours because He arose,
tell me, dear Spirit, I’m God’s own child,
then forever repeat the comforting words:
“.....you are complete in him.”

Teach me about my Kinsman Redeemer,
teach me about the LORD of hosts,
teach me, oh teach me about Yourself,
then forever repeat the comforting words:
“.....you are complete in him.”

My soul has feasted on glorious words!
so whisper again and again, oh Spirit of God,
Your message of grace till on Heaven’s shore
You’ll proclaim with joy the triumphant words:
“.....you are complete in him.”

M. Robbins